Select from a single seat option or a dual seat option (includes a business partner) with a single discounted payment or multi-payment option.

Frequently AskedĀ Questions

What is your refund policy?

Total Commitment Guarantee: If you totally commit to taking action and doing the work, you will get results! All payments are final. No refunds. By purchasing, you agree to these terms.

Can I have more than one business partner participate?

This program is designed for one primary and one optional secondary participant. No additional partners are included at these levels.

Do You offer multi-person discounts?

Yes, we offer a plan that includes one business partner as an added participant at a discount.

Do I need to do anything in preparation?

No, all information and complete training and instruction will be provided during the program.

Do you offer bulk ticket purchase discounts?

While there are no bulk purchase discounts, you are welcome to purchase more than one single seat as a gift to a friend, family member, or colleague.

Is this tax deductible?

This is not tax or business advice. However, may types of business expenses are deductible. Please consult a tax professional.